Ford County Fire-EMS Bucklin Station

Ford County Fire-EMS Bucklin Station is located in Bucklin. The city of Bucklin has 1 engine that is stored with the Ford County apparatus.

Engine 4

2018 Freightliner/Danko
GPM: 1,000
Gallons: 3,000
Serial #: 810311

Bucklin Engine 1

2005 International 4400/Pierce
GPM: 1,250
Gallons: 1,000
Serial #: 16526TR

Rescue 41

2015 Ford F-550/Southeast Apparatus
GPM: Unknown
Gallons: Unknown
Serial #: Unknown

Brush 4

2008 Sterling/Unknown
GPM: Unknown
Gallons: Unknown

Brush 43

1998 Chevy 3500/Blanchat
GPM: Unknown
Gallons: Unknown

Squad 1

2019 Chevy Silverado

Medic 3

2018 Ford F-550/Osage