Station History
"Station 14 was built in 1955 on the 2600 block of N. 27th St. in Klamm Park. This station was built in response to the growing population of the city and the further expanding city limits of Kansas City. This station was part of the trend, at that time, to build fire stations in the city parks."
- Provided by Historical Society of the Kansas City Kansas Fire Department

Former Ladder 14
1937 American LaFrance
Serial #: Unknown

Former Ladder 14
1958 Seagrave 85'
GPM: 0
Gallons: 0
Serial #: Unknown

Former Pumper 14
1961 Seagrave
GPM: 1,000
Gallons: 300
Serial #: Unknown

Former Truck 14
Unknown Year Pierce Arrow Unknown Height
GPM: Unknown
Gallons: Unknown
Serial #: Unknown

Former Truck 14
1999 E-One Cyclone 100'
GPM: 0
Gallons: 0
Serial #: Unknown

Former Pumper 14
2007 HME 1871/Ferrara
GPM: 1,250
Gallons: 500
Serial #: H-3477