Station 84 is located just north of W 207th St., east of N Webster St.. The station faces south.

Engine 84
2013 Pierce Impel
GPM: 1,500
Gallons: 1,000
Serial #: 26663-04

Quint 84
2009 Pierce Impel 75'
GPM: 1,500
Gallons: 470
Serial #: 21354

Heavy Squad 84
Unknown Year Ford F-550/Unknown
GPM: Unknown
Gallons: Unknown

Tender 84
1990 IHC 4900/E-One
GPM: 1,250
Gallons: 2,000
Serial #: 19471

Battalion 81
Chevy Tahoe

Brush 84
Unknown Year Ford F-350
GPM: Unknown
Gallons: Unknown

Former Engine 84
2009 Pierce Impel
GPM: 1,500
Gallons: 1,000
Serial #: 21351-04