Sedgwick County Station 37

Built in 1973, Station 37 faces east and is on the west side of N. Woodlawn just south of 45th St. N. Housed at this firehouse is Engine 37, Squad 37, Tender 37, Brush 37, and Mobile Air 37.

Engine 37

2019 Spartan/Smeal
GPM: 2,000
Gallons: 750

Serial #: 4942

Squad 37

2018 Dodge Ram 5500
GPM: 200
Gallons: 300

Tender 37

2005 Kenworth/Pierce Contender
GPM: 1,000
Gallons: 2,200
Serial #: Unknown


Brush 37

2012 Ford F-350
GPM: 150
Gallons: 225


Mobile Air 37

2011 Spartan Metro Star/SVI


Former Engine 37

2013 Pierce Saber
GPM: 1,500
Gallons: 1,000

Serial #: 26979

Former Squad 37

2009 Ford F-550/Unruh Fire
GPM: 200
Gallons: 300

Former Engine 37

1995 Pierce Dash
GPM: 1,250
Gallons: 1,000
Serial #: E9350-02


Former Brush 37

1994 Ford F-350
GPM: 250
Gallons: 200